Monday, February 28, 2011

Baby #2

Baby Marchy #2 Due Aug. 8, 2011

14 weeks
( I started to show alittle sooner than this but just got around to taking a photo. I started my photos with Allison when I was 17 weeks along)
*Wearing some maternity tops but still too small for the pants; using the belly band to help in that department
*Upgraded to the next size up in Bra's ( way earlier that I remember with Allison)
Hungry all the time for sweet stuff ( cereal and candy)

Today I am 17 weeks and I have not taken a photo yet. I have been trying to stay healthy through this winter but after Allison was over her cold I caught it plus a nasty sinus infection. I will post more when we get back from our trip to Texas that we leave for on Wednesday. When we come back we have our 18week appointment and that is when she will give us a US appointment to determine the sex of this kiddo

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