Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter 2011

Since it has been a while since I posted lets start with the most current activity...Easter!
This year we were still un able to take a photo with the Easter bunny but we knew that he was leaving us a surprise that morning.

The day before we had a Easter Party with some of the neighbor kiddos that Grandma Bernice hosted and needless to say I forgot my camera in the house and was too lazy to walk across the field to get it....

Easter Morning! ( he left something in the house...)

And he left something outside her bedroom window!

(her and daddy were going to see what it was)

Tinker Bell!

Playing with her surprises

That afternoon family came to the ranch for lunch

(Allison and Daddy taking a swing)

Hunting eggs in the field

Look Mommy Eggs!

That same afternoon like it has been for the last three years that I can remember; we had our annual trap shoot

(Josh, Ovo and Aunt Jenn shooting)

And after a long weekend of fun in the sun....Allison and cousin Danyon had a moment trying to look for turtles in Grandma's pond

Every year cousin Lori and Bob host Easter in the Hills for friends and family up in Linden. Easter egg hunting, lunch and a trap shoot

The Kiddos!

Silly Alli Cat!

Trying to document a family moment...but as you can see we had to be cranky about it

Allison got the opportunity to ride a horse for the first time. She loved it and didn't want to get off even though the horse was a little nervous towards the end of her ride

Sittin' in the grass having our first taste of licorice

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