Friday, January 28, 2011

Christmas 2010 and Allison's 2nd Birthday

Christmas 2010

Our last Christmas in our home in Salida....preparations are being made forour new house at the ranch. We will hopefully be able to move in by the end of Feb (look for a furture post)

Grandma Bernice bought Allison her first lawn ornament!

Allison's 2nd Birthday and Baptisim

Allison also celebrated her birthday with her extended family at my dad's home but this is the only picture I can find and I cant seem to flip it
We had a small gathering this year to celebrate Allison turning Two....With the weather we were limited to a small number of places since our home was not finished. But it was still a great party and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves

Our Big Girl!

Yummy cupcake!

One of her favorite gifts from Ovo Cinta that Grandma Bernice let her open in the house

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