Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dog Watching, Fair Time and A visit to see Daddy at work

ALot has happen in the lat several weeks....Grandma B and Papa went on vacation and Mryna came to visit. It was fun while it lasted but we were happy to have our house back when she went home.

Our county fair was this past week and Allison, Ovo and I headed out to see all the farm animals and eat some good fair food.

This was on our way out we sat and ate an ice cream cone and watched some of the dairy cows be milked in the milk barn. We went to the petting zoo and saw all the wonderful baby animals

Yesterday I need to take a very late delivery to Central Valley Children's Hospital in Madera to drop off some toys that were donanted by the sorority I belong to Phi Sigma Sigma (sprry it was late girls but atleast they got there). Since Josh was working not too far from the hosptial we decided to stop and go for a ride and see where he has been spending his days for the last several months. Our friends Yvette and Shane came with so we did not have to drive alone

Doesnt seem like much but they have been doing something out there
Josh's Tractor

Say Cheese!
Playing in the dirt is one of her favorite things to do

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fathers Day, 18 months and 4th of July

Now that my dad is close enough to visit we decided to surprise him with the help of my step mom of course. Shelby, Alli, Josh and I were waiting for him in the house when he arrived home from breakfast. It was kind of a nice change considering I have not spent Father's day with my dad in a long time.

Alli and I had a play date at our friends house. She has a small petting zoo of her own with piggies, goats, horses and chickens and a refreshing pool

This year we went to the 4th of July parade in downtown Modesto. This was Allison's first parade and she did good considering she had to sit still for alot of it. But she didnt make it through it with out falling alseep.